Pee Edwards (She/Her)
Multi-discipline Artist | AES Events and Workshops Host|Trainee Psychiatrist
(with a special interest in therapy and mental well-being)
Pee Edwards, a British multimedia artist who has been residing in Copenhagen since 2015, emerges as a prominent figure within the sphere of artistic expression. Serving as a distinguished event host at Art Escape Studios, Edwards intricately infuses her work with a reflective and philosophical depth, inviting contemplation on metaphysical inquiries surrounding existence, consciousness, and perception.
Demonstrating a marked emphasis on self-development, Edwards delves into the profound lessons inherent in the artistic process, shedding light on the complexities of human identity, self-awareness, and the cultural belief systems intricately interwoven into our essence. Her unwavering belief in the transformative potential of creativity, mindfulness, and the profound journey of self-discovery through artistic expression resonates profoundly within her body of work.
Commencing her academic journey with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy in England, Edwards laid a robust foundation for her subsequent pursuit of Medicine. Presently, she is a trainee Psychiatrist in and around Copenhagen, specialising in therapy.
Pee occupies a unique intersection of art and healing, crafting a narrative that extends beyond the confines of the canvas, connecting with those who seek not only aesthetic appreciation but also a deeper comprehension of the human experience. Through her multifaceted roles as an artist, event host, and psychiatrist, she brings forth a distinctive fusion of creativity, introspection, and therapeutic insight to enrich the vibrant cultural fabric of her community.